It's been several months since you've bought your brand new computer. Naturally, you've been loading it up with the all the programs and files that you need. Strangely, it seems to take longer now for your computer to open the files, programs or web pages. Is it just your imagination or is your computer really slowing down?
Did you know that as you save files and programs on your computer or browse the internet, your computer registry fills up every time?
The registry contains settings and values for the operating system, files, programs and system hardware of your computer. Basically, what goes in and out of your computer is noted in the registry. It's the catalog of your computer's activities. These entries eventually fill up and, over time, become invalid causing damage to the registry. This makes your computer run slower. Sometimes, causing it to freeze, or worse, crash.
The best way to have your PC operate in its optimum level is by having the registry always in good working order. It makes your computer run smoother and faster. This can be done by having the registry cleaned regularly. Experts recommend a registry repair every six months. Should the need arise, do it weekly. Just make sure that you back up the files and programs so that if something goes wrong, nothing will be lost.
The most efficient way of your registry fixed is by getting a registry repair software. It will free up your system of obsolete registry entries, files, or programs and speed up your PC instantly.
registry repair
eyewear video
Bagi yang nonton TV tadi malam, tentu saja bagi yang punya TV, pasti tidak ketinggalan berita-berita hangat. Soal Susno Duaji, Mama Loren, teroris, maupun berita tentang gadget-gadget terbaru. kali ini penyiar pengen bahas sedikit tentang eyewear video. Walau memang termasuk nerita lama sich.... yah.... daripada gak ada postingan lagi.
Bagi beberapa orang, kacamata adalah alat untuk meningkatkan kualitas penglihatannya, bagi yang mengalami masalah dengan penglihatannya. Bagi orang yang peduli dengan penampilannya, kacamata merupakan accesoris yang bisa menambah keren penampilan. Nah, bagi penggila gadget baru ataupun orang yang membutuhkan privasi dalam menonton video, gadget yang satu ini bisa jadi merupakan incaran yang wajib dimiliki.
Eyewear video adalah kacamata yang gunanya bukan untuk membantu penglihatan, karena bila anda memakai kacamata ini, anda tentu saja tidak bisa melihat apa yang ada di depan ada. Karena, kacamata ini memang dibuat untuk melihat video atau bermain game. Ya, kacamata ini adalah kacamata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan televisi. Anda bisa dengan puas menonton sendiri "film2 bokep"(hahahahaha) kegemaran anda dengan tidak menggangu orang lain, karena hanya anda sendiri yang memakainya.
Dengan Eyewear video, anda bisa menonton video2 yang anda suka bahkan saat anda dalam perjalanan. Di pesawat, di mobil (tentu saja anda tidak sedang menyetir), di kereta, di bajaj, di bus dimanapun anda suka. Pada saat anda bosan menunggu antrian (tapi hati2 jangan sampai antrian anda terserobot orang karena anda terlalu fokus memakai eyewear ini), atau anda sedang buang hajat di WC (hehehehe.... apalagi ditemani dengan "anda taulah"), anda bisa menonton video kesukaan anda dengan leluasa dan tentu saja privasi.
mungkin cukup segini saja postingan saya tentang Eyewear ini, bagi yang ingin membeli tentusaja anda harus merogoh kocek anda, karena kacamata ini memang terlalu mahal untuk ukuran kacamata, tapi dengan tekhnologi yang "semakin maju" ini, uang segitu mungkin terlalu murah untuk sebuah tekhnologi. Di Indonesia, gadget ini memang sudah ada. harga berkisar antara 1-2 juta. bagi kalangan kelas menengah ke atas, tentu saja uang segitu tidak masalah, tapi bagi kalangan menengah ke bawah seperti saya ini, uang segitu memang harus mikir-mikir dulu (hehehehe,,...). bagi yang berminat membeli bisa kunjungi Saya bukan promosi, saya cuma memberi informasi. saya tidak dibayar untuk postingan ini. yah...... informasi di jaman sekarang memang mudah didapat. Hehehe... cukup sekian...
???? gadget, gadget terbaru, tekhnologi
detect carvical cancer
Cervical cancer is one of the scourge for women. Unfortunately there are still many women who are not aware of this disease can be present because of the wrong lifestyle.
Some causes of this deadly cancer, such as :
- marriage at young age
- frequent pregnancies
- smoking
- long-term use of oral contraceptives
- sexually transmitted infections.
Those who were infected rarely show symptoms in its early stages, and usually develop into cervical cancer a few years later.
Uterine cervical cancer in the female reproductive organs, attack the burrow entrance to the uterus or vaginal intercourse (vaginal). Health experts said that after infection of human papilloma virus (HPV) is not always the patient's body develops immunity, it is not protected from subsequent infection. Berstadium known cervical cancer can cause further harm to surrounding organs and can cause death.
In addition non-sexual transmission can occur through sharing of contaminated clothing in the long term. Most HPV infections lasted eight months and then disappear by itself.
But after two years, found about 10 percent of women still carry an active virus in the vagina and their cervix. It says health experts, cervical cancer usually attacks women have been outstanding, but the statistical evidence of another talk. This cancer attacks more women between the ages of 20 to 30 years. Cervical cancer occurs characterized by the growth of cells in the cervix are not uncommon.
But before these cells become cancer cells, there was some changes. Changes in these cells, normally takes many years before the cells had been transformed into cancer cells.
Cervical cancer has symptoms that should be watched ie :
- vaginal bleeding
- leucorrhoea
- pelvic pains
- can not urinate.
These abnormal cells can actually be detected its presence with a test called "Pap Smear Test", so that abnormal cells were detected as early as possible. Read More..
???? cancer, cervical cancer, health, health care
Cervical cancer
For years the cause of cervical cancer is a mystery. Once considered the cause is multifactorial. That is, many factors combine. These factors include sexual intercourse at an early age, multiple sexual partners, and genetic factors.
But scientists later discovered that this deadly cancer caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus infects the cervix and cause cell mutations in the region. Mutated cells that later develop into cancer cells, causing damage, and spread to other organs.
Human papilloma virus are manifold. Until recently known more than 40 types. Of these, only a few types associated with cervical cancer, among other HPV 16, 18, 45, 31. In cases of cervical carcinoma in Indonesia, the cause of most is from HPV type 18.
Was recently developed vaccination to prevent HPV infection. Is the trade name Gardasil ®. The vaccine is given via injection three times over a period of six months. Targeted vaccines are girls aged 11 and 12 years. Moreover, it can also be given to women aged 13 to 26 years.
???? cancer, cervical cancer, health, health care
artificial pancreas
Artificial pancreas will be created by the scientists of diabetes with insulin pump manufacturer, Animas.The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) suggests, they choose the unit of Johnson Johnson was to develop and try new technologies, namely pumps and control systems specifically for diabetes type 1.
"This will be a first stage of research and development toward the creation of an artificial pancreas, said Dr. Henry Anhalt, director of medical affairs of ANL-mas, as quoted by Maggie Fox of Reuters. Anlmas will work with the foundation is to create solidarity between recording devices glucose, insulin pumps, and some software to wireless technology.
The new system will make it easier for diabetics to check blood and inject insulin. The goal is a tool that is able to check the blood at any time and inject insulin as needed, without the help of others. That means this technology in the future be only one package, either insulin pump or glucose alone recording system. Herein lies the power of ma-gisnya, when both the tool is able to communicate with each other. Now the two devices is already available but are still separated, said Alan Lewis, the acting Chief Executive Officer and President of JDRF. The trust has spent years working with science centers to build a perfect system and could be marketed.
"Anlmas is an agency that provides the equipment. JDRF will become a partner that uses our knowledge and expertise," said Lewis again. Foundations were poured eight million dollars for the next three years for that project. Type 1 diabetes is a disease "autoimune", ie the immune system is actually damaging the pancreas cells that produce insulin. The body is no longer able to dissolve and use the sugar.
If untreated, it will damage the blood vessels and nerves, orgarvorgan body, and finally his meninggal.Bah if untreated, the blood vessels and organs remain damaged, blindness, kidney failure, and even lost limbs. IN the United States (U.S.) estimated three million, an average of children and adolescents, type 1 diabetes. This could be a first aid for not only improve glucose control but also lift the entire burden, "said Aaron Kowalskydari JDRF
???? diabetes, health, health care, pancreas