linux at pomosda

Located in POMOSDA Nganjuk (Pondok Modern Resources At-Taqwa), has conducted workshops Linux server date 28 February 2010. server fields such as webserver, database, and the mailserver peeled from the concept and who have applied by KPLI Kediri. STT Pomosda students eager to learn the service server and desktop Linux.

For entertainment, Mas Jati from N 2 Kediri demonstrating once practiced on the Compiz Fusion in Ubuntu. Seeing an interesting feature in Compiz and reliable Linux as a server, it is planned to hold regular workshops for each type of server services.

STT-POMOSDA are in the midst of rural communities, precisely in the hamlet of Cape District Tanjunganom, Nganjuk, East Java. Campus POMOSDA atmosphere surrounded by rice fields and gardens of the population, giving a natural feel and is beautiful, far from the hustle and bustle of busy as well as urban environments. POMOSDA campus occupying approximately 30 000 square meters on the land the building stands three blocks, with total area of about 5500 square meters. Since the year 2006 began to be implemented student activities facility development, with the construction of Multipurpose Building that can be used for various events Sports and Arts activities.

in STT POMOSDA there are two departments of Industrial Engineering and informatics techniques. STT is the purpose of education student memebina yag ukril skilled and so later in a society that ............? sip dah deh very cheap and low school principal in the STT pomosda, I know the love of money monthly which STT pomosda very cheap boarding .....?

fasilaitas available in STT pomosda pomosda are
================================================== ==================
1. computer lab
2. dormitory (for those who want to boarding)
3. hotspot (pomosda hotspots, free hotspots telecom, SMC, etc)
Fourth. Comfortable classrooms



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