
POMOSDA is my school. It is in Nganjuk city, East Java Indonesia. POMOSDA name use since 1995 ago, beginning with the Madrasah Aliyah POMOSDA which later changed into POMOSDA high school. several years later established universities with a STT POMOSDA, POMOSDA cottage stands MODERN RESOURCES AT-Taqwa. Pondok Modern Resources At-Taqwa (POMOSDA) currently owns and operates an educational institution composed of junior POMOSDA Maospati Magetan, junior POMOSDA Tanjunganom Nganjuk, SMA POMOSDA Tanjunganom Nganjuk and STT POMOSDA Nganjuk in Tanjunganom. It also has a Training Center (BLK) BLK POMOSDA by name, and LPK POMOSDA (Skills Training Institute) both in Tanjunganom Nganjuk.

STT POMOSDA was established on December 25 1999, or 17th Ramadhan 1401 H. It is an initiative of the founder of Jamaat-Lil Muqorrobin through boarding school-based educational institutions. Achieving higher education in the boarding school environment, is as a complementary instrument to achieve its vision and mission of education and propaganda of Islam, which has been developed since many centuries ago. Its purpose is to protect and maintain the purity of the values in Islam. As institutions of formal education, STT POMOSDA has Legal Foundation Organizers. Pondok Sufi is a gathering place congregational members to deepen their understanding of Islam and learn aiaran implement appropriate guidance to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Through the Ministry of National Education Decree Number: STT 072/D/O/2001 POMOSDA Establishment of Higher Education was given permission by Name POMOSDA TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL, and permits the opening of 2 graduate courses, namely Industrial Engineering (S1) and Informatics Engineering (S1). Permit the extension of the implementation of the two courses at the 4-year extension for a second term (2008-2012) has come out with numbers: 835/D/T/2008 dated March 13, 2008 for the Engineering Industry and Number: 1861/D/T/2008 dated June 11, 2008 for Computer Science. License to provide effective means to May 31, 2012.
POMOSDA stands for Pondok Modern Sumber Daya At-taqwa.



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