type 2 diabetes often also called Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, or Diabetes Mellitus Without Insulin Dependent. Unlike diabetest type 1, type 2 problem is not because the pancreas does not produce insulin, but because the insulin produced by pancreas is not enough. Most of the insulin, inhaled by fat cells due to lifestyle and eating habits. While the pancreas can not make enough insulin to overcome insulin deficiency so that blood sugar levels will rise.
Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects the majority. Approximately 90% to 95% of diabetics suffers type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, is most commonly suffered by adults over the age of 30 years and tends to get worse gradually.
Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
The cause of type 2 diabetes is the insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient to bind the sugar in the blood caus of diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of the main causes of type 2 diabetes can be summarized as follows:
* genetic Factor.
* A diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. Numbers of fast food outlets (fast food), which presents the fatty and unhealthy foods.
* High cholesterol levels.
* Rarely exercise.
* Obesity or being overweight.
All causes of type 2 diabetes is generally due to unhealthy lifestyles. This makes the metabolism in the body is not perfect, so make insulin in the body can not function properly. The insulin hormone can be absorbed by fat in the body. Thus diet and unhealthy living light can make the body lacks insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
Type 2 diabetes treatment is to force the work function of the pancreas so it can produce more insulin. If the pancreas can produce insulin the body needed, then the blood sugar levels would decrease due to be converted into energy. In many cases, can be treated with pills, at least initially, to stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. The pill itself is not insulin.
However the pancreas can be tired if constantly forced to produce insulin. The best way is with a good diet to lose weight and sugar content, accompanied by appropriate calisthenics.
type 2 diabetes
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type 1 diabetes
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can not produce insulin. Because of the lack of insulin, the glucose stays in the bloodstream and can not be used as energy. Without enough insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells. The body is unable to use this glucose for energy. This leads to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes.
The exact cause of diabetes is unknown, but most likely there is a viral or environmental trigger in genetically susceptible people that causes an immune reaction. The body's white blood cells mistakenly attack the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. Some reasons why the pancreas can not produce insulin are:
* genetic factors. If one or both parents had diabetes, then the children are at risk of diabetes.
* Autoimmune body is allergic to one type of cell or tissue itself -in this case- which exist in the pancreas. The body loses the ability to form insulin because the immune system destroys the cells that produce insulin.
* Virus or chemical substances, that cause damage to the cells (cell groups) in the pancreas where insulin is made.
Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
Because the pancreas produces insulin difficulties, then the insulin must be added each day. Generally by the injection. Is it possible with oral care? You can not, because insulin can be destroyed in the stomach when inserted through the mouth.
Another way is to improve the function of the pancreas. If the pancreas can function normally, the pancreas can produce insulin the body needs.
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diabetes definition
The full name of the diabetes is diabetes mellitus. The term "diabetes mellitus" comes from the Greek which, when translated means "flowing through the pipe with atmospheric pressure" and the Latin language which can be translated as "sweet as honey". this Greek and Latin understanding, describe diabetes precisely. Because the water past the body of diabetic patients as if poured from the mouth through the urinary tract and directly out of the body. Diabetisi urine it was sweet, because it contains sugar. Long time ago, one tests for diabetes is, to pour the patient's urine near an ant nest. If the insects infest the urine, this indicates the existence of sugar.
Every food we eat is converted into energy by the body. In the stomach and intestines, food elaborated into several basic elements, including one type of sugar, namely glucose. If there is sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which helps drain the sugar into body cells. Then, the sugar can be absorbed well in the body and burned to produce energy.
When a person has diabetes, their pancreas can not produce enough insulin to absorb sugar obtained from food. That which causes blood the hight of sugar levels, due to heaps of sugar from food that can not be absorbed well and burned into energy. Other causes are the defective of insulin or the body can not utilize insulin properly.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, an organ next to the stomach. This hormone attaches itself to receptors on the cell wall. Insulin receptors duty is to open the cell wall, so glucose enters the cell. Then, these cells convert glucose into energy which body needs to do activities. In other words, insulin helps deliver sugar into cells so that transformed into energy. If the amount of insulin is not enough, the sugar will hoard in the blood causing diabetes.
The cause of diabetes depending on the type of diabetes who suffer. There are two common types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The difference is in type 1 diabetes, pancreas can not produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes, pancreas produce not enough insulin.
???? diabetes, health, health care