sma pomosda, 2nd champions of school newspaper design contest 2008

In series 2 School Contest, you could say the school newspaper design contest is the most minimal participant. In total only 20 design participated. Both the junior and senior high school. this Minimal participant does not mean quality is also minimal. Design school newspaper this year even more varied and good in quality. Its news and contents or weighted.

Eleven finalists managed to escape. Newspaper design they exhibited during the Final Party (26-27/07) ago. Display with actual size, the paper praised the finalists deserved. Especially the third property winners.

Rony Setiyawan, the first winner of this contest smiled when desainya practically good. Student class XII IPA 4 was admitted for the first time following the design competition. Therefore, can be a champion for him is a surprise. Although small, Rony has a lot of expertise. Evidently, not only designs the paper. Rony also become a crew leader mading school. And managed to obtain the Best Performance by mading shaped pagoda.

This 17-year-old student was fond of drawing and designing. At first he knew of design in a computer program from the brothers, graduates of visual communication design. Then he began to study myself more deeply. Armed with experience designing and building a school Newspaper. He was finally brave show of skill when the contest began. Name of school newspapers is Metafo (Media News and Information). Green, Rony design is attracting attention.

Themed environment and global warming effects. Its main points are the subject of coral reefs. "Just happened to have lots of pictures of coral reefs, as well as concerns about the condition of coral reefs in Indonesia," he explained when asked why picked the theme. The photos she took at the coral reef of white sand area of Psychology last year. Not only that, he also talks about the forest area of lung Willis as the city of Kediri. "We can not stop global warming, we can do is slow down the process," he asserted. Therefore, Rony wish people would realize the effects of global warming. Also do something meaningful after reading the article in the paper.

Similarly, desired by Edward Surya Wijaya. The third winner of this contest, representing the SMAK St. Augustine. The contents of the papers about various things about FC so close and real. Edward did not play in making paper. Starting from doing reportage by Vice Mayor Bambang Edianto, Kyai Badrus, until the former Kapolresta Jayan Kediri I Putu Danu.

"I did the interview itself into a resource home," explained the students of class XII IPA 1 this. Eldest of two brothers this has indeed been used to cover the event. Because he was also incorporated in the school magazine.

This year is the second time Edward followed a similar contest. Last year he also became the second winner. Become the third champion this year, do not let her down. Only one thing could make it down is when the final. "I just knew there was something missing in my designs on display fitting, no dates in my newspaper," he regret it. In fact, before being submitted to the committee, Edward has been repeatedly examined. Even assisted by his colleagues.

School newspaper named Quelle. Derived from the Greek word meaning a standard or benchmark that that's for sure. "So, this reflects the content of school newspapers, that is certainly true beritanta not imaginary," continued the student who liked this design and photography. Would you like to participate again next year. Edward replied, smiling. "Nggaklah, next year would have trouble ngurus college, let another class aja brother," explained Edward who wanted to lecture in civil engineering. Edward is currently serving as Chairman of Student Council hopes next year the school could be better. "It could go all the contests and win," he argued.
Meanwhile, the second champion of the high school achieved Teguh Kurniawan Pomosda Nganjuk. Firmly seated in class XII IPA 1 displays everything about school. Starting from school activities, educational systems, and other trinkets. If Rony and Edward wrote his own article in his newspaper design. Not so with Teguh. He requested the help of his friends to contribute articles.

"Not too could write, I design it," said the student who was designing this hobby. He claimed to learn drawing and design from the older class. Also assisted with supervising teachers. When creating designs for the contest yesterday, Teguh'm not bothered by difficulty. "In addition to writing, there are technical issues such as formatting text and photos," she recalled. Fortunately, there is a tutor who can be consulted.

Another exciting experience is this contest is also the first race he attended. The first time you join and become a champion, Teguh also feel proud. "Yes, never thought, delighted," pongahnya. Participate again next year? Teguh also could not be firmly answered. Because, he must concentrate on final exams and college preparation.



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