2009 - Angel Cabrera (Argentina)
2008 - Trevor Immelman (South Africa)
2007 - Zach Johnson
2006 - Phil Mickelson
2005 - Tiger Woods
2004 - Phil Mickelson
2003 - Mike Weir (Canada)
2002 - Tiger Woods
2001 - Tiger Woods
2000 - Vijay Singh (Fiji)
1999 - Jose Maria Olazabal (Spain)
1998 - Mark O `Meara
1997 - Tiger Woods
1996 - Nick Faldo (England)
1995 - Ben Crenshaw
1994 - Jose Maria Olazabal (Spain)
1993 - Bernhard Langer (Germany)
1992 - Fred Couples
1991 - Ian Woosnam (Wales)
1990 - Nick Faldo (England)
1989 - Nick Faldo (England)
1988 - Sandy's Lyle (Scotland)
1987 - Larry Mize
1986 - Jack Nicklaus
1985 - Bernhard Langer (Germany)
1984 - Ben Crenshaw
1983 - Seve Ballesteros (Spain)
1982 - Craig Stadler
1981 - Tom Watson
1980 - Seve Ballesteros (Spain)
1979 - Fuzzy Zoeller
1978 - Gary Player (South Africa)
1977 - Tom Watson
1976 - Raymond Floyd
1975 - Jack Nicklaus
1974 - Gary Player (S Africa)
1973 - Tommy Aaron
1972 - Jack Nicklaus
1971 - Charles Coody
1970 - Billy Casper
1969 - George Archer
1968 - Bob Goalby
1967 - Gay Brewer, Jr..
1966 - Jack Nicklaus
1965 - Jack Nicklaus
1964 - Arnold Palmer
1963 - Jack Nicklaus
1962 - Arnold Palmer
1961 - Player Gary (South Africa)
1960 - Arnold Palmer
1959 - Art Wall, Jr..
1958 - Arnold Palmer
1957 - Doug Ford
1956 - Jack Burke, Jr..
1955 - Cary Middlecoff
1954 - Sam Snead
1953 - Ben Hogan
1952 - Sam Snead
1951 - Ben Hogan
1950 - Jimmy Demaret
1949 - Sam Snead
1948 - Claude Harmon
1947 - Jimmy Demaret
1946 - Herman Keiser
1945 - No tournament due to World War II
1944 - No turanmen since World War II
1943 - No tournament due to World War II
1942 - Byron Nelson
1941 - Craig Wood
1940 - Jimmy Demaret
1939 - Ralph Guldahl
1938 - Henry Picard
1937 - Byron Nelson
1936 - Horton Smith
1935 - Gene Sarazen
1934 - Horton Smith
All of the golf tournament held at Augusta National - Augusta, Georgia
Masters winner from year to year
???? master
emoticon on yahoo
Emoticon on Yahoo massanger
Surprise your friends with these hidden characters.
You will not find these characters emoticons in the menu, but you can still send them by typing the shortcut character code directly into your message.
: O3 puppy
: -? I do not know
% - ( do not listen
: @) pig
3:-O cow
: (|) monkey
~:> chicken
@); - rose
%% - leaf
**== flag
(~ ~) squash
~ O) coffee
*-:) bright idea
8-X skull
=:) insect
> -) alien
:-L frustrating
[-O < pray
$ -) mercenary
: - " whistle
b-( black-and-blue
:)> - peace
[-X can not
\: D / dance
>: / who fear
;)) hi .. hi .. hi
: - @ fussy
^:) ^ salute
:-J oh aja
(*) star
o-> hiro
o => billy
o-+ April
(%) yin
: Bz bee
[..] Transformer *
emoticon for email
:-) smiling; agreeing
:-D laughing
|-) hee hee
|-D ho ho
:-> hey hey
;-) so happy, I'm crying
:'-) crying with joy
\~/ full glass; my glass is full
;-) winking; just kidding
'-) winking; just kidding
;-> devilish wink
:*) clowning
:-T keeping a straight face
:^D "Great! I like it!"
8-] "Wow, maaan"
:-o "Wow!"
^5 high five
^ thumbs up
:] Gleep, a friendly midget who wants
to befriend you
(::()::) bandaid; offering help or support
:-( frowning; boo hoo
:( sad
:-< really sad
:-c really unhappy
:-C really bummed
&-| tearful
:' crying
:'-( crying and really sad
:-| grim
:[ really down
:-[ pouting
\_/ "my glass is empty"
>:-< angry
:-|| angry
:-@ screaming
:-V shouting
:-r sticking tongue out
>:-< absolutely livid!!
:-, smirk
:-P nyahhhh!
:-> bitingly sarcastic
:-& tonguetied
:-S incoherent
:-\ undecided
:- I "hmmm..."
:-, "hmmm "
:-# "My lips are sealed"
:-X "My lips are sealed"
:-Y a quiet aside
:-" pursing lips
:-W speaking with forked tongue
:( ) can't stop talking
:~/ mixed up
%-) braindead
(:I egghead
<:-I dunce
=:-) hosehead
:-] smiling blockhead
:-[ un-smiling blockhead
|-O yawning
|-I asleep
:-6 exhausted; wipeout
:> What?
:@ What?
:Q What?
:-o "uhh oh!" OR surprise
;-) sardonic incredulity
:O shocked
8-| eyes wide with surprise
:-/ skeptical
8-O "Omigod!!"
:-C just totally unbelieving
|-{ "Good Grief!" (Charlie Brown)HUGS AND KISSES
: * kisses
:-X a big wet kiss!
:-x kiss kiss
:-{} blowing a kiss
[] hugs
(( )):** hugs and kisses
((((name)))) hug
:-* Oops!
:-I indifferent
\-o bored
:-P tongue hanging out in anticipation
O :-) angelic; being an angel (at heart, at least)
NEW EMOTICONS (by Tracy Marks):
][ feeling separate
] [ separating
) ( really separating
{ } face-to-face
[ ] wanting to hug
}xx kisses
() feeling in harmony; connecting
] ? moving away and wondering about you?
[ ? moving toward you and wondering about you?
easter symbol
Passover Lamb
Among the symbols of the popular Easter, lamb is the most important in this great celebration. Passover lamb, which symbolizes Christ, with the flag of victory, can be seen in the paintings mounted on houses European family. The most ancient prayer for the blessing of the lambs was found in the ritual book the Benedictine monastery in the seventh century Bobbio, Italy. Two hundred years later Romans used it and after that, for centuries later, the main menu dinner at the pope on the Feast of Easter is a lamb roast. After the tenth century, instead of lamb, whole, presented the pieces of meat are much smaller.
Tradiri ancient Passover lamb was also inspired Christians to provide lamb meat as a popular dish during Easter. Until now, the lamb meat is presented as the main menu of Easter Sunday in different parts of eastern Europe. But, often forms little lamb made of butter, bread or candy dish replaces the lamb meat, and a main course Passover meal.
In the past centuries, is considered a sign of luck if people see a lamb, especially during Easter. Is a popular superstition that the devil, who can take the form of all sorts of animals, was never allowed to appear in the form of a lamb because of its religious symbols.
Easter eggs originated from the tradition of Indo-European fertility. For those not familiar with our ancestors Christianity, really is an amazing event witnessed a new creature emerged from a seemingly dead object. For them, the egg is a symbol of spring. In the past, in Persian, the mutual reward regular eggs during the spring equinox, which for them also marks the commencement of a new year.
In Christian times, eggs have a religious meaning, namely as a symbol of the rock tomb from which Christ came out to meet a new life through His resurrection. In addition there are practical reasons that make the eggs as a special sign of Easter joy, that is because, first, the egg is one food abstinence during Lent. The believers from the beginning has been coloring Easter eggs with bright colors, ask for blessings upon it, ate it, and give them to friends and friends as Easter gifts.
The tradition of Easter eggs developed among the nations of northern Europe and in Asia soon after they convert to Christianity. However, among the nations of southern Europe, and thus also in South America, the tradition of Easter eggs never became popular.
Roman Ritual has a specific procedure for the blessing of Easter eggs:
"We pray Thee, O Lord, bestow Your blessing upon these eggs, making healthy food for the faithful, who gratefully ate it in honor of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ."
At mid-century, according to tradition the eggs were distributed on the Feast of Easter to all servants. There are records that King Edward I of England (1307) ordered 450 eggs boiled before Easter, colored or covered with golden leaves, which are then divided them out to all members of the royal family at Passover.
Easter eggs are usually distributed to children as Easter gifts along with other gifts. This habit is firmly rooted in Germany where the eggs called "Dingeier" (egg-egg "dihutang"). The children had not waited in demanding what is "dihutang" from them, and thus developed a variety of rhyme in France, Germany, Austria and England, where the children, even today, demanding the Easter eggs as their prize. Here is one of them who came from Austria:
We sing, we sing the Easter song:
God makes you healthier, stronger and smarter.
Disease and hurricanes and all manner of evil
presumably far away from relatives, and livestock and fields.
Now, give us eggs,
green, blue and red;
if not, children will die all your chicken.
In some areas of Ireland, the children collect the eggs of geese and ducks during Holy Week, to be given as gifts on Easter Sunday. Previously, on Palm Sunday, they make small nests of stone, and throughout the Holy Week, they collect as many eggs, store them in their stone nests hidden. On Easter Sunday, they ate it all, share them with other children who are still too small to collect their own eggs.
Adults also gave eggs as gifts in Ireland. The number of eggs that will be awarded is determined according to the ancient proverb among the people of Ireland: "One egg for a real man; two eggs for gentlemen; three eggs to the poor; four eggs for the poorest [beggars]."
In most countries, the eggs were given a plain color with dyes from plants. Among the Chaldeans, Syrians and Greeks, the faithful reward each other eggs red in honor of the blood of Christ. In areas in Germany and Austria, only the green eggs are used on Maundy Thursday, but the eggs are colorful used during the celebration of Easter. Slavic people create special patterns of gold and silver. In Germany and in several central European countries, eggs are used to cook the Easter meal is not solved, but pierced with a needle at both ends, and the contents removed by blowing into a bowl. Empty egg shells are given to children for use in a variety of Easter games. In some areas of Germany, the empty egg shells are hung on the bushes and trees throughout the week of Easter, like Christmas trees. Armenian people decorate their empty egg shells with pictures of the Risen Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other religious images, to be administered to children as Easter gifts.
Various Games Using Eggs
Easter is a time period of playing with egg all over mainland Europe. Competition egg mashed with a variety of variations mostly done in Syria, Iraq, and also Iran. In Norway, the game was called knekke (percussion). In Germany, Austria and France, hard boiled egg rolled in the field or hill and mutual pitted, cracked eggs that remained until the end declared as "egg victory." This game is very popular in America through the feast of egg rolls in the field, the White House in Washington.
Another common tradition among the children is a race to find the eggs, both in the home or in the garden on Easter Sunday. In France, children listen to fairy tales that Easter eggs dropped from the church bells on their way back from Rome. In Germany and Austria, a small baskets of eggs, pies and candy placed in hidden places, and the children believe that the Easter bunny, who is also so popular in this country, have laid the eggs and candy.
In Russia and Ukraine and also Poland, people start their Easter meal with joy after the long Lenten period of fasting with an egg that has been blessed on Easter Sunday. Before you sit down to eat, the father will be carefully distributed a small part of an Easter egg to every member of your family and guests, as he happily congratulated on this holy day. Before they ate the eggs of their part in silence, they will not sit down to eat their Passover meal.
Easter Bunny comes from the tradition of fertility before the Christian community. Rabbits are the most fertile animals according to the ancestors, so the rabbit is used as a symbol of new life that is abundant in the spring. Easter Bunny has never had religious meaning in the celebration of Easter, even though the meat is white, sometimes, is said to symbolize purity and flawless. Church never gave a special blessing for the rabbit. However, the rabbit gets a nice role in the celebration of Easter as producer legend of Easter eggs for children in various countries. In various regions in Germany, believed that the Easter bunny laid red eggs on Maundy Thursday and eggs of various colors on the night before Easter Sunday. Easter rabbits in the form of cookies and candy became popular in southern Germany, and now cakes and sweets is a very popular children in various countries.
Do not forget the pig which gives the meat as a dish in the traditional Passover meal. Pigs are always symbolizes good luck and prosperity among the people of Indo-European. Remnants of this ancient symbol is still alive in our day. Children's piggy bank in the form of pigs, for example, is a manifestation of this ancient tradition.
Is a tradition handed down from pre-Christian times, to eat pork in various celebrations. The British and Scandinavians eat them, the Germans and Slavs ate pork roast on Christmas Day. Also, in various regions of Europe, the roast pork is still the main meal in the traditional weddings and the celebrations. During Easter, ham, lamb meat also, to fine dining most European nations since the past, and is a traditional Easter menu in many areas.
???? easter
Happy easter
Wikipedia :
Easter (Ēostre (Old English); Greek: Πάσχα Paskha, from Hebrew: פֶּסַח Pesakh,) is the central religious feast in the Christian liturgical year.[1] According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday[2] (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. The chronology of his death and resurrection is variously interpreted to be between AD 26 and AD 36. Easter also refers to the season of the church year called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Week or the Octave of Easter. Easter also marks the end of Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and penance.
Easter is a moveable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the northern hemisphere's vernal equinox.[3] Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on March 21 (regardless of the astronomically correct date), and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian Calendar whose March 21 corresponds, during the twenty-first century, to April 3 in the Gregorian Calendar, in which calendar their celebration of Easter therefore varies between April 4 and May 8.
Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism, as well as by its position in the calendar. In most European languages the feast called Easter in English is termed by the words for passover in those languages and in the older English versions of the Bible the term Easter was the term used to translate passover.[4][5]
Relatively newer elements such as the Easter Bunny and Easter egg hunts have become part of the holiday's modern celebrations, and those aspects are often celebrated by many Christians and non-Christians alike. There are also some Christian denominations who do not celebrate Easter.
???? easter
The Master Season 1
The Masters is the talent search event to find a master in their respective fields (of course associated with magic). This event is very Extraordinary and SMASHING .... cos the first time in Indonesia. The participants are cools and have their respective characteristics. Here it is the participants .....
Session 1
This Masters Winner was very like in reading and learning many things. So do not be surprised if his intelligence makes you in awe. She believes reading is a window into all knowledge, including the power of the mind. And that genre of magicm, mentalist, was occupied by Deddy Corbuzier. Although he had spent his childhood without a father figure, but this bespectacled magician gets an abundance of affection from the deceased's mother & brother. As a master he has a major capital of art communicate a mentalist. Through knowledge-knowledge that he had, he aspired to change the image that scary mentalist with a magicnya actions and fun.
Runner-up The Master Session 1 was born in Bandung, June 4, 1982. Ash is a Magic Ilussion and also a guitarist. Magician Cris Angel is his role model. For him life is an art, therefore it is often combined between Mental Action and Illusion. Although he was full profession as a magician, but this figure remains cool guy who does not forget his education. Evidently, he had just graduated S2 from a university in Bandung.
3. Angelina Zhi (GOTHIC Magician)
The first child of 2 brothers this is the only female finalist in the competition for The Master. Although relatively new in the study of magic, but Angel has a decent ability to Magician-Magician aligned with the other. Fashion design graduate of the Academy was very fond of all things gothic element. The main dream is to become a mentalist in Indonesia and the First Woman on the Papa prove that he can succeed in the world so that the Papa mentalist can condone step he took.
4. RICHARD RAIN (Charming Magician)
Minang origin man has a charming and unique figure. Evidently he chose a different genre that is becoming a Halusionist. According to him, life is a challenge. Therefore he was very fond of dangerous activities that challenged death. Actions might be considered similar to the art of some people whistle, almost like Limbad. But that's the strength of a halusionist. Behind her fetish play something dangerous, on the other hand he is also very close to the children because for Richard excitement & fun children can cure loneliness caused by departure of both parents.
5. Aldi Sungkar (Funky ETNIC Magician)
Solo Male born March 22, 1984 is the youngest finalist in the competition The Master Session 1. Men are very proud of this Javanese blood velocity technique has no doubt his hand again. Copetpun might give up. His ability to challenge the death was extraordinary. His interest in magic began at the world since he was 9 years old. Like Joe Sandy, Aldi brings new nuances in the world of magic. Pembawaanya a very comical and the speed of action of all arms Aldi managed to amaze the audience. Smile and humorous man was very fond of his mother. Evidently, he would sell his magic shop to finance the treatment of the mother dearest.
???? master
Master Joe Sandy at Bandung
'The Master' Magician, Joe Sandy feel enjoy when filming in the city of Bandung, especially at Gedung Sate. He also admitted happy to meet her idol, Vice Governor of West Java, Dede Yusuf. But because Dede must perform a task, he failed to show him any magic attraction. "I'm happy, at home, enjoy. I enjoy where ever I go," said Master Joe, when found after the shooting in the East Hall of the Office of the Sate Building, Jalan Diponegoro, Monday (5/4/2010).
Master Joe and Master Limbad visited Gedung Sate office for filming one of their event program. Both play magic shows skills in front of Civil Servants (PNS) Yearly Jabar. On the occasion, Joe, who came from Bandung was admitted happy to meet with Dede Yusuf. "I am the number one fans of Vice Governor Mr. Dede Yusuf, from the time he was fighting taekwondo. Last chance to chat, but not magic because he has no business of government," said Joe. Bespectacled man was also felt lucky chance to shoot at Gedung Sate, because he said not everyone can get into the office of West Java province. "Everybody can come to a tourist attraction, but not everyone can come to this place (Gedung Sate-ed). Most memorable shoot here. Because of this historic building," he said.
???? master
the master sells his vespa for marrying his wife
JAKARTA - Behind the black clothes and mystique that reflected from the self of Master Limbad, it turns out he had a unique experience about motorcycle. What is it?
Apparently Master Limbad had to give up her beloved Vespa sold to propose his beloved wife Susi Indrawati.
"He used to have a Vespa but then sold to propose to me," said Susi when accompanied during his visit to Master Limbad okezone editorial last week.
Even though Susi admit that Master Limbad is verry love his Motorcycle, but Master Limbad still sold it, in worth of 500 thousand Rupiahs. the motorcycle is from year of 1966.
"The money he used for proposing me and he bought some snacks for the parents. This is the proove that Master Limbad did not want to bother his family," adds Susi.
That Vespa, according to her, is Master Limbad's ride favorite iron horse. "Eventought it's antique old but everything is still original, ranging from the lights, handlebars, body, everything is still original," he explained.
Now, after Master Limbad's successful, Susi disclosed her husband was trying to find the existence of these legendary motorcycles, again .
"He's trying to find the bike again, or at least the same as the Vespa motor that he had the time, but he did not find it yet," he concluded. (Uky)
???? master
the master
The Master is a reality show TV Indonesia to equalize the ability of a magician with other magicians. Events are familiar with the tagline "Looking for Stars Without the incantation", was first aired in February 6th 2009 until May 8 2009 every Friday at 21:30 until 00:30 the next day. However, the time slot of The Master sometimes can shift to the day Saturday with the same hours as the slide show that seemed more a top priority for broadcast. Every season shows 5 candidates (6 candidates in Season 3) with the flow of magic is different and each episode will be sidelined 1 candidate to eventually live the remaining 1 person. Systems of this elimination using percentages acquisition SMS from the television audience. Each finished displaying its action, the candidates will be commented upon by a jury consisting of 4 men, 3 person jury still is Deddy Corbuzier , Romy Rafael , Melissa Karim , and 1 other person vary each episode of a popular artist. "The Master" is guided by Nico Siahaan . The Master is able to reach as many as 11.4 rating. In other countries there is a similar event that it Phenomenon (TV series) slot duration is shorter (only 60 minutes including the ads) is different from the show The Master of duration can be from 120 minutes up to more, depending on how the sets of shows.
Until the fourth season, impressions of The Masters was stopped for a while. Final Impressions inauguration of the season 3 winner of The Masters, Rizuki, and Koesnoe Efendi aka Cosmo from season 4 on Friday August 21 2009 to cover the Masters competition. This event is paused until discovered a new concept.
The Master who will re-form agenda drafted, corrected the deficiencies that exist, and then will return for the talents of magic in Indonesian society.
Pro and Con
This Tanyangan get controversial with the public reaction is not a magician. Namely, is still widespread view that The Master is heresy and the use of mystical and supernatural elements. Actually, this is only a television show with magic tricks entertainment only and not to use the element of magic. An entertainment is the same as if we watch action movies or soap operas and even movies kanuragan Sableng Wiro . However, it remains a debate for the laity because of their ignorance will be Magic. [1] This makes the Production Team have their homework to be completed. Reaction may occur due to protest the appearance of one of the participants, Master Limbad which often show the actions that seem to use witchcraft. Can ya but could not. Whatever it is, the production must be recycled with a new concept better.
Magic will always look amazing and admirable for its confidentiality is still well preserved. And every magician claimed to always uphold the code of ethics, namely: to practice and truly master the game perfectly before the show and must always maintain the confidentiality of games and tricks. And because the code of ethics that make a magic show magician, or even accused as an event that uses magic .
Because it's so satisfying to get the impression ratting The Master, RCTI also broadcast programs with the same event that is derivative of The Master Junior . This event is a magic competition for children aged between 6 to 12 years, aired every Saturday and Minggu.Program The Master reason, inspire so many magic shows that re-aired on TV after the master's slot
???? lain2
A link is the "address" to a document (or a resource) on the web.
Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Links
In web terms, a hyperlink is a reference (an address) to a resource on the web. Hyperlinks can point to any resource on the web: an HTML page, an image, a sound file, a movie, etc. An anchor is a term used to define a hyperlink destination inside a document.The HTML anchor element <a>, is used to define both hyperlinks and anchors.
We will use the term HTML link when the <a> element points to a resource, and the term HTML anchor when the <a> elements defines an address inside a document.
An HTML Link
Link syntax:<a href="url">Link text</a>
The start tag contains attributes about the link. The element content (Link text) defines the part to be displayed.
Note: The element content doesn't have to be text. You can link from an image or any other HTML element.
The href Attribute
The href attribute defines the link "address".This example defines a link to http://mhabibie.blodspot.com:
<a href="http://mhabibie.blogspot.com/">Visit Habibie's blog!</a> The code above will display like this in a browser:
Visit Habibie's blog!
The target Attribute
The target attribute defines where the linked document will be opened. The code below will open the document in a new browser window:example:
<a href="http://mhabibie.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Visit Habibie's blog!</a>
The name Attribute
When the name attribute is used, the <a> element defines a named anchor inside a HTML document.Named anchor are not displayed in any special way. They are invisible to the reader.
Named anchor syntax:
<a name="label">Any content</a> The link syntax to a named anchor:
<a href="#label">Any content</a> The # in the href attribute defines a link to a named anchor.
Basic Notes - Useful Tips
Always add a trailing slash to subfolder references. If you link like this: href="http://mhabibie.blogspot.com/html", you will generate two HTTP requests to the server, because the server will add a slash to the address and create a new request like this: href="http://mhabibie.blogspot.com/html/"Named anchors are often used to create "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. Each chapter within the document is given a named anchor, and links to each of these anchors are put at the top of the document.
If a browser cannot find a named anchor that has been specified, it goes to the top of the document. No error occurs. Read More..
HTML format and style
Big strong small del insert
These are part of formating tag that use in html.
You use <i> for italic. <b> for bold. <big> big. <small> for small. <sub> for subscript like H2O. <sup> for superscript like x2 + y2.
You can use <style> to modify you document. example
<p style="font-family:verdana;color:red">
This text is in Verdana and red</p>
html tutorial basic
What is HTML?
HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language. A markup language is a set of markup tags. HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages.
HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like <html>
HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags.
<title>Title of your document</title>
Your content is here
The text between <html> and </html> describes the web page.
The text between <head> and </head> is your web description head.
The text between and is the visible page content
HTML uses tags like <b>, <u> and <i> for formatting output, like bold, italic text or underline text.
These HTML tags are called formatting tags.
For formatting your web, you should be better using CSS to format your web. we'll study about CSS in next time.