smp pomosda

Paradigm-oriented educational establishment with the moral and mental ketauhidan based is the essence of human resource development. So the insight, knowledge, technology, skills and even intelligence based owned and oriented to the divine.

POMOSDA (modern cottage At-Taqwa resources) combines education in the administration of the education system in general (according to National Education System Law No. 20) with kepondokan systems already entrenched in Indonesia this. POMOSDA which was founded by Mr. KH.Mohammad Munawwar Afandi, who is in a legal entity Lil Muqorrobien Foundation by deed No. 05 dated 22 October 1995. Start the school year 2007-2008 held a junior high school level education (SMP), which in pondokkan, through an integrated program with didtem unitary school system with cabin and the bottom to the Divine which is viewed as an absolute reference nature.
Destination Schools
POMOSDA as education, Creating a source of education, broadcasting and teaching of Islam for the sake of li I'laah Kalimatilah. POMOSDA prepare the next generation of al-arif billah, generation of a broad and high kepahamannya about Islam, diligent and devoted to public charity based on piety, to become members of learning communities, charity and devoted as a resource baldatun Rabbun ghaffur toyyibatun Wa.

POMOSDA also applies the 4 pillars of education that has been declared by UNESCO. The 4 pillars are: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be. In realizing the 4th pillar, junior POMOSDA develop curricula that empower all students to get closer to the failure by the All-Being. Learning activity is an activity organized to develop the potential of the soul, cultivate and empower, student-centered activities, forming the character and the character of students to learn.



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