POMOSDA, big 10 favorite teacher in radar kediri 2008

His body was huge. But his tone calm and serene. Very fatherly. Perhaps, those factors that make him favorite by his students at SMAN 1 Kertosono. Being nominated for election to be held Teachers Favorites Radar Kediri Distrindo collaboration with Honda and this is a great achievement for Khoirul Anam. Moreover, he had one year of teaching in schools, usually called by name Smaker.

"I'm just trying to appreciate the wants and needs of children," she says modestly. Khoirul is a geography teacher. With subjects that are often considered to be monotone, then Khoirul must be good students do not get around so easily bored. Not forever pupils simply overwhelmed by the subject matter. Sometimes interspersed with the latest info.

Providing information on the latest world developments could make students more open outlook. Making them larger meaning of science. Khoirul also open ourselves to all the questions from his students. Including the trivial in everyday though. "Like why the fish were dumb?" glutton said a variety of this book.

Another effort from Umi Hidayati husband is the use of visual aids or auxiliary equipment. Start globe to LCD projectors. Humor was not taboo inserted every teaching. Because humor can not make them tense. Why can enter a nomination Khoirul favorite teacher? "Because Mr. Khoirul that person the same attention to students," explained Aliyyil Mustofa, students in grade 11 IPA 2.

Khoirul, the alumni IKIP Surabaya (now Unesa) was also active in various activities. Make him famous. That's why, no mere students in his class just to provide support, which was also not bribed to vote. Moreover, not only teach in Khoirul Smaker, but also in SMK Taruna Bakti Kertosono.

Other nominees are Djamaloeddin Roni. High school math teacher Pomosda Tanjunganom. Berputra five men, besides teaching also writes books. Until today, no fewer than three titles have been made. Ranging from Sufism to book reviews of books. "But I'm still having trouble looking for a publisher," said the teacher was a graduate of Unmuh Ponorogo. Kelihaiannya writing has been evident from several articles which appeared in national print and online media. People Mind Like www.pembelajar.com or Bandung. The writings were often dealt with students to provide motivation.

In addition to applying quantum methods in the classroom learning, Roni also applied their learning by teaching. "Thus, students learn the way of teaching the class," says this enthusiastic teacher born in 1971. Roni is also trying to make the lessons so enjoyable in the eyes of students. "I have always been understanding to the situation of students," he admits.

For example, when the time is stepped on during the day, the man's home Magetan will not give weight material. In addition, Roni also spend time when there are students who want to meet outside class hours. Such as for consultation or other yan.

Style is what seems to make Pomosda Technology High School faculty is much preferred. The proof, in 2000 ago, hobbyist table tennis is also elected to be a favorite teacher at her school. Two nominations are another favorite teacher, I Gede Dewa Purbowo, teachers and Suismoyo SMA 2 Pare, Pare teachers from Hasanuddin MA. For Bowo, I Gede Dewa Purbowo greeting, he entered as a nomination election is very surprising. "Kan still many decent and better than me," he said.

Differences with Bowo, students at SMAN 2 Pare actually feel the opposite. Bowo worthy of being a favorite teacher because of the discipline but could be close to his pupils. A humorous figure also became the reason. For Bowo, discipline is not to scare. Conversely, Bowo try to create an atmosphere that is not tense. So that students can be fun and easy to receive materials.

In order for the Japanese language lesson, he teaches, the students could understand, Bowo stressed that every time the use of language teaching. Finally, the condition of the class very much alive. Not infrequently, because the headmaster rebuked Bowo class so noisy. "How about, learning the language that was trained to speak. If silence means you do not learn," said the man descended Bali.

Bowo have a quick trick for his students can. When you go to class, they had to say greetings in Japanese. "Anyway, if you want to go they should be greeted with the Japanese language. Similarly, if consent to the bathroom," explained Bowo. Whether because of it or just for fun, school bathroom wall is now a lot of graffiti. Of course, in Japanese.

Meanwhile, large ke10 Suismoyo admitted escape is pride. Moreover, he had to compete with other teachers and schools come from your favorites. "It was like they had elephants, I was an ant," Suis said modestly. However Suis another opinion. Hopefully with the inclusion of him into the top 10 favorite teacher it could be a passion for other teachers. Even he hopes this kind of competition could be more often held to give appreciation to the unsung heroes that have been underestimated.



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