flavanol for your pancreas

Research on diet of 183.518 residents of California and Hawaii, has shown evidence that foods containing a lot of flavonols may help prevent cancers of the pancreas. Flavonols can be found in plant foods. Onions, apples, berries, green vegetables, and broccoli has the highest flavonol content.

From other research there for an average of 529 people eight years of pancreatic cancer. People who eat foods with the highest flavonol content in their diet, as measured by the "list of what questions they often eat", has a 23% lower risk of esophageal cancer of the pancreas compared with people with the lowest flavonol levels, said Dr. Nthlings Ute from Germany Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Los Angeles.

In this case smokers took the most benefit. The condition is because they already face a high risk for pancreatic cancer. Smokers who ate the most flavonols reduced risk for pancreatic cancer gland until 59%, compared with smokers who consumed at least flavonols.

Current smoking was the only risk factor for this disease. "Quitting smoking short-term and constantly show lifestyle factors, may help protect people from this deadly cancer," said Nthlings in a statement.

Of the three individual flavonols studied (kaempferol, quercetin and myricetin). Kaempferol, which is abundant in spinach and some cabbages, associated with the largest risk reduction (22%) among all subjects studied.

At all levels of consumption, total consumption of flavonol such as quercetin are most numerous in the onion and myricetin are found in berries, associated with a statistically significant trend toward reduced pancreatic cancer risk among current smokers, but not among former smokers or those who never smoked.

The study did not investigate the biological mechanisms of how the flavonols might protect humans from cancer, pancreatic gland. However, anti-cancer effects of such materials, in general, has stems from its ability to inhibit cell growth and oxidative stress, and enter a detoxification enzymes and programmed cell death.

In conclusion, Nthlings said, "these important findings is that consuming a lot of flavonols might help reduce pancreatic cancer risk, especially among smokers. Therefore, this study underlines the current recommendation regarding the consumption of foods based on vegetable oils, although these findings still must be confirmed in other studies to produce a definite conclusion. "



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